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User name: * By the 4-20 English letters or numbers (do not support the Chinese, can not start with a digit). Once registered, can not be changed
Password: * Password by the 6-20 English letters (case sensitive) or digital form, recommended and easy to remember, difficult to guess the number of English composition,
Confirm: * Repeat password
Password Question: * To reset the password, it is importants
Password answer: * To reset the password, it is importants
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Sex: Male Female
Tel: * Must fill in your contact phone number is being used
Email * Must fill in the email address you are using, otherwise you will not receive the system sends an important message
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Copyright  Shenzhen Hill Optical Co.,Ltd  粤ICP备11022611号    
Add:NO.6.Dawangshan IndustrialRoad Shaching Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City.